Voor de achtste keer organiseert Forum Dança het Performing Arts Advanced Programme in Lissabon, van februari tot juli 2025. Voor deze reeks stelt Meg Stuart haar Mystery School of Choreography voor, met Ana Rocha als artistieke partner. Mystery School of Choreography (MyS) is een bijzondere en experimentele leerschool voor performancekunstenaars. Het is een plaats waar een fascinatie voor het metafysische samengaat met compositie, choreografie en creatie.
MyS zal bestaan uit ontmoetingen met kunstenaars die hun persoonlijke kosmologie, expertise en proces delen. Deelnemers benaderen MyS thema’s via reflectie en bovenal via collectieve performance- en gespreksmomenten. MyS is een programma van zes maanden gericht op ervaren professionele performancekunstenaars, makers en dromers, gepassioneerd door improvisatie en open voor een gedeelde, intensieve en speelse verkenning van het onbekende.
Meld je aan voor 31 mei 2024 om een kans te maken op een plaats in de workshop-auditie van 29.07.2024 – 03.08.2024.
Meer info
Workshop voor professionele dansers 5-9 augustus tijdens TANZWERKSTATT EUROPA in München
5-6 augustus 'Knowing and Not Knowing' door Meg Stuart
7-9 augustus 'Polyrhythm and Synthesis' door Alma Söderberg
Schrijf je nu in via www.jointadventures.net
Tijdens 'Knowing and Not Knowing' onderzoeken jullie de grenzen tussen weten en niet-weten, abstractie en intentie, beelden en actie, en het samenspel tussen muziek en beweging, met live muzikale begeleiding door Doug Weiss. Zo trekt de workshop parallellen met de performance All the Way Around van Meg Stuart en Doug Weiss met Mariana Carvalho, ook te zien in München op 8 augustus.
Workshop for Dance Day 2024 Damaged Goods by Gaëtan Rusquet
Date: 27 and 28 April 2024
Price: €40
Where we draw the line is een workshop van twee dagen rond onze perceptie van het lichaam, hoe het begrensd is en hoe het in verhouding staat tot de ander. Door de randen van wat we als het ‘zelf’ beschouwen te vervagen, zoeken we naar verbinding, openheid en ruimte. We onderzoeken de oorsprong van onze perceptie in relatie tot de meer-dan-menselijke wereld. Waar denk ik dat mijn lichaam begint, of eindigt, in verhouding tot de ruimte en de mensen rondom me? Hoe wordt de plek waar ik me bevind beïnvloed door de energie vanuit de grond, de smaak van de lucht, het precieze moment? Hoe kunnen de herinneringen in een kamer mijn toestand of de kwaliteit van mijn beweging transformeren? Hoe kan ik speels die aanwezigheden volgen en mezelf laten bewegen door onzichtbare prikkels en intuïties? Dit zijn enkele van de vragen die we onderzoeken door middel van somatische en bio-energetische praktijken, dynamische meditatie, begeleide improvisaties en meer. Deze workshop vraagt geen specifieke skills of ervaringsniveau en is toegankelijk voor zowel dansers als niet-dansers.
Gaëtan Rusquet woont en werkt in Brussel. Hij studeerde Toegepaste Kunst aan de ENSAAMA in Parijs en vervolgens scenografie en performance aan de ENSAV La Cambre. Hij werkt als kunstenaar en performer binnen performance, dans, theater en beeldende kunst. Zo performt hij in Celestial Sorrow van Meg Stuart, Square Dance van Bryan Campbell en creëerde hij de kostuums en scenografie voor Boundary Games van Léa Drouet. Zijn artistiek werk focust vaak op de relatie tussen het lichaam en de ruimte, door middel van een medium, en op de noodzaak van beweging die daaraan gelinkt wordt. Binnen deze ervaringen, wil hij het publiek laten delen in een tegelijk beeldende en performatieve ervaring. Recente werken zijn o.a. Meanwhile (2014), As We Were Moving Ahead Occasionally We Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty (2018) en the eYe in the light in the eYe (2020, in opdracht van Europalia). Momenteel werkt hij aan het onderzoek ‘the edge’, waarin hij de grenzen van het lichaam en liminale ruimtes exploreert.
Workshop organised by Arts Fabrik / CCN Montpellier in Montpellier from 2 to 6 October.
Since 2016, Meg Stuart and Mark Tompkins have shared their passion for improvisation in radically different landscapes and contexts, giving workshops and performances, gathering texts and images to make ONE SHOT, a book about the labyrinth of real-time composition.
This intensive workshop at CN D focuses on three intertwined issues: listening, practicing and performing. Guided visualizations and extended sensorial meditations allow us to observe and study movement desires and patterns, temporal and spatial choices, and that which makes us move physically and conceptually. Starting from questions such as “What do we gravitate towards?" "What do we need to let go of?" "What do we want to invite?" Meg Stuart and Mark Tompkins explore strategies of transformation, change, and yielding, offering an encounter through touch, energetic exchanges and shared fictions. While building trust, they will embrace the interplay between risk and vulnerability, and investigate the boundaries between knowing and not knowing, abstraction and tension, image and action.
More info and registration here.
11-15 September 2023
'This workshop revisits movement ideas, -worlds and dimensions I was invited to develop in Meg Stuart’s work. Rather than practicing these as scores or techniques, we practice with an awareness that something else is always happening simultaneously, something bigger – even while we do not try to make it happen. In the workshop we will look at fiction as a tool to create a place for our investigations. We will talk to ourselves while moving, like children playing with imaginary toys, and make noises, as if we were creating soundtracks for movies produced on the spot. We may end up dancing like we’re alone. Emotions will inform the temperature of our involvement. We might veer into pathos, but always through a thorough search for sensibility, content and knowledge.
I have participated in several of Meg Stuart’s creations: Highway 101 (2000), Soft Wear (2000), VIOLET (2011) and confirm humanity (2022). For VIOLET, the proposition was to create a choreography that would function in the same way as alchemy. We investigate and develop movement, as if we have injected our bodies with new properties that allow us to transform and travel through other states of being. Similarly, in this workshop we will explore whether movement can take us to different dimensions – spatial, mental or temporal – and how this influences our experience of the here and now. But instead of a scientific approach, we nourish a personal and spiritual journey into what it means to dance, to move and be moved at the same time.' - Varinia Canto Vila
1-3 September 2023
'This workshop revisits movement ideas, -worlds and dimensions I was invited to develop in Meg Stuart’s work. Rather than practicing these as scores or techniques, we practice with an awareness that something else is always happening simultaneously, something bigger – even while we do not try to make it happen. In the workshop we will look at fiction as a tool to create a place for our investigations. We will talk to ourselves while moving, like children playing with imaginary toys, and make noises, as if we were creating soundtracks for movies produced on the spot. We may end up dancing like we’re alone. Emotions will inform the temperature of our involvement. We might veer into pathos, but always through a thorough search for sensibility, content and knowledge.
I have participated in several of Meg Stuart’s creations: Highway 101 (2000), Soft Wear (2000), VIOLET (2011) and confirm humanity (2022). For VIOLET, the proposition was to create a choreography that would function in the same way as alchemy. We investigate and develop movement, as if we have injected our bodies with new properties that allow us to transform and travel through other states of being. Similarly, in this workshop we will explore whether movement can take us to different dimensions – spatial, mental or temporal – and how this influences our experience of the here and now. But instead of a scientific approach, we nourish a personal and spiritual journey into what it means to dance, to move and be moved at the same time.' - Varinia Canto Vila
Workshop organised by ImPulsTanz in Vienna from 10 to 14 July.
Since 2016, Meg Stuart and Mark Tompkins have shared their passion for improvisation in radically different landscapes and contexts, giving workshops and performances, gathering texts and images to make ONE SHOT, a book about the labyrinth of real-time composition.
This intensive workshop at CN D focuses on three intertwined issues: listening, practicing and performing. Guided visualizations and extended sensorial meditations allow us to observe and study movement desires and patterns, temporal and spatial choices, and that which makes us move physically and conceptually. Starting from questions such as “What do we gravitate towards?" "What do we need to let go of?" "What do we want to invite?" Meg Stuart and Mark Tompkins explore strategies of transformation, change, and yielding, offering an encounter through touch, energetic exchanges and shared fictions. While building trust, they will embrace the interplay between risk and vulnerability, and investigate the boundaries between knowing and not knowing, abstraction and tension, image and action.
More info here.
Meg Stuart is coming back to Tic Tac art centre in Brussels for a five day intensive workshop, 3 to 7 July 2023. Register here.
We will engage with a series of guided visualizations and extended sensorial meditations, paying special attention to subtlety and nuance. Studying movement patterns, temporal and spatial choices, we question what moves us on a physical and conceptual level. What do we gravitate towards? What do we need to let go of? What do we want to invite? Through these questions, we will explore strategies of transformation, change, and yielding, in order to find and follow new and unexpected pathways. We will investigate the borders between knowing and not knowing, abstraction and intention, images and action. Meeting each other through states of touch, shared fictions and energetic exchanges, the aim is to playfully embrace risk, and to discover the bliss of vulnerability.
FWorkshop organised by Danzálava in the Artium museum at Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain) from 1 until 5 May 2023.
Schedule: 10:00-13:00 and 14:30-17:30
Price: 200 €
Register via: danzalava@gmail.com
FULL - you can register for the waiting list
Since 2016, Meg Stuart and Mark Tompkins have shared their passion for improvisation in radically different landscapes and contexts, giving workshops and performances, gathering texts and images to make ONE SHOT, a book about the labyrinth of real-time composition.
This intensive workshop at focuses on three intertwined issues: listening, practicing and performing. Guided visualizations and extended sensorial meditations allow us to observe and study movement desires and patterns, temporal and spatial choices, and that which makes us move physically and conceptually. Starting from questions such as “What do we gravitate towards?" "What do we need to let go of?" "What do we want to invite?" Meg Stuart and Mark Tompkins explore strategies of transformation, change, and yielding, offering an encounter through touch, energetic exchanges and shared fictions. While building trust, they will embrace the interplay between risk and vulnerability, and investigate the boundaries between knowing and not knowing, abstraction and tension, image and action.
More info here.
Naar goede gewoonte organiseert Damaged Goods op Dag van de Dans 2022 een gratis workshop in Brussel, die dit jaar wordt gegeven door Jayson Batut (CASCADE), in een unieke setting in Decoratelier. Het is de tweede keer dat Jayson lesgeeft voor Damaged Goods en de eerste keer dat we zelf een workshop organiseren in Decoratelier.
In 'Authentic Bullshit' draait alles rond doen alsof, opnieuw leren spelen, valsspelen en liegen. We vervagen onze grenzen en contouren en laten onze verbeelding de vrije loop. Plezier en humor zijn de belangrijkste tools om te ontsnappen aan onze QR-code!
In deze workshop proberen we een open geest te houden en laten we ons leiden door ons innerlijke dier/monster/kind. We bewegen, dansen, spelen en werken met automatisch schrift, zowel gesproken als geschreven. Censuur is niet toegestaan.
Stuur een mail naar julie@damagedgoods.be en laat in +-5 regels weten wat je achtergrond is en waarom je aan deze workshop wil deelnemen. De workshop is gericht op professionele dansers en dansstudenten. Meer info.
Two-day in-person workshop organised by Movement Research in New York on 17 and 18 September 2022.
Schedule: 11:00 - 17:00
Price: $175-$250
Register here.
Since 2016, Meg Stuart and Mark Tompkins have shared their passion for improvisation in radically different landscapes and contexts, giving workshops and performances, gathering texts and images to make ONE SHOT, a book about the labyrinth of real-time composition.
This intensive workshop at CN D focuses on three intertwined issues: listening, practicing and performing. Guided visualizations and extended sensorial meditations allow us to observe and study movement desires and patterns, temporal and spatial choices, and that which makes us move physically and conceptually. Starting from questions such as “What do we gravitate towards?" "What do we need to let go of?" "What do we want to invite?" Meg Stuart and Mark Tompkins explore strategies of transformation, change, and yielding, offering an encounter through touch, energetic exchanges and shared fictions. While building trust, they will embrace the interplay between risk and vulnerability, and investigate the boundaries between knowing and not knowing, abstraction and tension, image and action.
Two morning classes by Meg Stuart, on monday 13 June and wednesday 15 June, aimed at dancers with professional skills. More info on prices and reservation here.
With live music by Mieko Suzuki.
We will engage with a series of guided visualizations and extended sensorial meditations, paying special attention to subtlety and nuance. Studying movement patterns, temporal and spatial choices, we question what moves us on a physical and conceptual level. What do we gravitate towards? What do we need to let go of? What do we want to invite? Through these questions, we will explore strategies of transformation, change, and yielding, in order to find and follow new and unexpected pathways. We will investigate the borders between knowing and not knowing, abstraction and intention, images and action. Meeting each other through states of touch, shared fictions and energetic exchanges, the aim is to playfully embrace risk, and to discover the bliss of vulnerability.
On April 25 and 26, Meg Stuart is teaching a workshop for professionals in the framework of the DDD - Festival Dias Do Dança in Porto
'In a series of guided visualizations and extended sensorial meditations, we will align ourselves with the energetic field that vibrates and moves through us paying special attention to subtlety and nuance.
We will look at our studio desires, studying our movement patterns, temporal and spatial choices; what moves us physically and conceptually? what do we gravitate towards? What do we need to let go of? What do we want to invite?
Moving these questions, we will explore strategies of transformation, change, and yielding to allow new and unexpected pathways to appear and to follow. We will investigate the borders between knowing and not knowing, abstraction and intention, images and action. We will meet each other through states of touch, shared fictions and energetic exchanges, playfully embracing risk, and discovering the bliss of vulnerability.'
Registration will open soon.
May 23-28
In collaboration with Tictac Mark Tompkins has invited five improvisers : Vera Mantero, Frans Poelstra, Meg Stuart, Mark Tompkins and David Zambrano, whose paths have crossed over the past 30 years, to share a week of performances, masterclasses and conferences in where they teach, practice, perform and question improvisation and real time composition. The 2 music improvisers Gašper Piano and Peter Jacquemyn join the team.
Register here
Workshop organised by Danzálava in the Artium museum at Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain) from 19 until 23 November 2021.
Schedule: 10:00-13:00 and 14:30-17:30
Price: 180€
Register via: danzalava@gmail.com
Since 2016, Meg Stuart and Mark Tompkins have shared their passion for improvisation in radically different landscapes and contexts, giving workshops and performances, gathering texts and images to make ONE SHOT, a book about the labyrinth of real-time composition.
This intensive workshop focuses on three intertwined issues: listening, practicing and performing. Guided visualizations and extended sensorial meditations allow us to observe and study movement desires and patterns, temporal and spatial choices, and that which makes us move physically and conceptually. Starting from questions such as “What do we gravitate towards?" "What do we need to let go of?" "What do we want to invite?" Meg Stuart and Mark Tompkins explore strategies of transformation, change, and yielding, offering an encounter through touch, energetic exchanges and shared fictions. While building trust, they will embrace the interplay between risk and vulnerability, and investigate the boundaries between knowing and not knowing, abstraction and tension, image and action.
24.07+25.07.2021: Two-day workshop by Meg Stuart and Moriah Evans in the framework of the Impulstanz Festival.
For two days we commit ourselves to listening and the need to speak. How to articulate expression through and with the body? Stand up tips over to lie down, into sit it out and then walk it off, towards run away or hold it down, tie it together, keep it quiet. We rant and we rave. A subterranean mode of speech ready to emerge. To speak it out, to hear it out, to move the words out. Movement as a text transcribed by our necessary, unrelenting, and unfiltered questions: What decisions were forgotten after we said yes? What is after consent and the agreement? Is commitment a gift towards another, maybe to oneself? Rant and rave—the act to act out. Moving the words while being open to the live moments of shift, with no assumptions, no pre-conceptions. What can we glean from positions of desperation, healing, and resistance? Care is a commitment. Commit to listen—again and again—to feel what we are saying, to move what is held, to catalyse, to shift, to sit it out, to stand up, to walk out if necessary, to step aside, to feel and to come back again and again to the heart of the matter.
More info here.
This summer Lake Studios will host the 5th edition of an intensive festival dedicated to submerging into specific performance works of our invited dance artists. The workshops are conceived as embodied »re-creative« labs into the making of these pieces. The artists will share their creative processes, movement techniques, choreographic / improvisational methods, and conceptual journeys through the crafting of their works.
Meg Stuart will be teaching a four-day workshop from July 5th to July 8th. More details and link to sign up will follow soon.
FRom May 31st to July 3rd, Meg Stuart teaches a series of four morning classes at Tanzhaus Zürich. More info on how to subscribe via their website.
During the classes, we will engage with a series of guided visualizations and extended sensorial meditations, paying special attention to subtlety and nuance. Studying movement patterns, temporal and spatial choices, we question what moves us on a physical and conceptual level. What do we gravitate towards? What do we need to let go of? What do we want to invite? Through these questions, we will explore strategies of transformation, change, and yielding, in order to find and follow new and unexpected pathways. We will investigate the borders between knowing and not knowing, abstraction and intention, images and action. Meeting each other through states of touch, shared fictions and energetic exchanges, the aim is to playfully embrace risk, and to discover the bliss of vulnerability. Live music by Mieko Suzuki.
Workshop organised by CN D Pantin in Paris from 24 until 28 of May.
Since 2016, Meg Stuart and Mark Tompkins have shared their passion for improvisation in radically different landscapes and contexts, giving workshops and performances, gathering texts and images to make ONE SHOT, a book about the labyrinth of real-time composition.
This intensive workshop at CN D focuses on three intertwined issues: listening, practicing and performing. Guided visualizations and extended sensorial meditations allow us to observe and study movement desires and patterns, temporal and spatial choices, and that which makes us move physically and conceptually. Starting from questions such as “What do we gravitate towards?" "What do we need to let go of?" "What do we want to invite?" Meg Stuart and Mark Tompkins explore strategies of transformation, change, and yielding, offering an encounter through touch, energetic exchanges and shared fictions. While building trust, they will embrace the interplay between risk and vulnerability, and investigate the boundaries between knowing and not knowing, abstraction and tension, image and action.
Apply before May 10th, more info here.
A 1-week workshop from May 1st to May 5th called One Shot, dedicated to Mark and Meg's instant compositions experiences. This event is part of the collecting process by Meg and Mark within the co-writing of "One Shot", their upcoming book on improvisation.
Since 2016, Meg Stuart and Mark Tompkins have shared their passion for improvisation in radically different landscapes and contexts, giving workshops and performances, gathering texts and images to make ONE SHOT, a book about the labyrinth of real-time composition.
This intensive workshop at CN D focuses on three intertwined issues: listening, practicing and performing. Guided visualizations and extended sensorial meditations allow us to observe and study movement desires and patterns, temporal and spatial choices, and that which makes us move physically and conceptually. Starting from questions such as “What do we gravitate towards?" "What do we need to let go of?" "What do we want to invite?" Meg Stuart and Mark Tompkins explore strategies of transformation, change, and yielding, offering an encounter through touch, energetic exchanges and shared fictions. While building trust, they will embrace the interplay between risk and vulnerability, and investigate the boundaries between knowing and not knowing, abstraction and tension, image and action.
Wanneer ben je begonnen met lesgeven?
Mijn eerste ervaring was een cursus techniek voor SNDO studenten. In mijn eerste workshop, aan het movement research, gaf ik les in choreografische anarchie. Ik gaf alle studenten de opdracht hun persoonlijke manifesten van choreografie op te schrijven om dan vervolgens hun eigen assumpties en vooroordelen over dans in vraag te stellen. Ik bleef improvisatie of choreografie doceren in de vorm van intensieve workshops op ImPulsTanz Wenen, Forum Danca Lisbon, PARTS Brussels etc.
Welke aspecten van dans zijn voor jouw een belangrijk onderdeel van de opleiding?
Alle aspecten - techniek, theorie en productie - vind ik belangrijk. Ik koester een groot interesse voor het doceren van improvisatie. Ik creëer verhaallijnen en situaties voor de danser zodat ze hun eigen bewegingstaal, interesse, mogelijkheden en keuzes kunnen ontdekken. Improvisatie word gebruikt als een strategie om het geheugen, de fysieke en emotionele toestanden van het lichaam te verkennen. Sommige workshops focussen op de invloed van het onbewuste op onze bewegingen. Beelden vloeien voort uit de mix van bestaande bronnen en beelden die we voor onszelf en voor het eigen lichaam creëren. Via de integratie van deze beelden in het werk kan de danser onderzoeken hoe hij zijn verbeelding en fysieke mogelijkheden kan verruimen. Geleid door improvisatie kan men strategieën bedenken om zijn choreografische ideeën te ontwikkelen.
Hoe kan een artiest zijn of haar kennis doorgeven?
Choreografisch werk uit het bestaande oeuvre aanleren is mogelijk, maar ik geef de voorkeur aan het meegeven van bepaalde vragen die achter het choreografische werk schuilgaan: wat interesseert me en exploreer ik op dit moment? Ik vind het belangrijk deze vragen te delen zodat de studenten het werk zelf kunnen ontdekken zonder het choreografisch materiaal gewoonweg te kopiëren.
Welke methoden gebruik je?
Ik realiseerde me tijdens het schrijven van het boek “Are we here yet?” samen met Jeroen Peeters dat ik tal van oefeningen tijdens workshops en repetities had ontwikkeld zonder het te weten. De meeste van hen zijn gebaseerd op beelden. Ze verruimen de menselijke verbeelding en denkwijze over het lichaam en de ruimte. Het is in de eerste plaats verbonden is met een fictionele wereld. Sommige zijn eerder technisch: de oefening “Ghosting yourself” begint met zeer intense en fysische bewegingen. Vervolgens behoud je de actie, maar volg je het spoor van emoties en situaties. Het is een poging om leeg, afwezig en losgekoppeld te worden. Het lichaam bestaat enkel nog aan de oppervlakte. Ik beschrijf metaforische scenario’s en dans samen met de studenten. Fysieke transmissie is hierbij belangrijk.
Wat ervaar je wanneer je aan de nieuwe generatie van dansers lesgeeft?
Het is voor hen comfortabel en natuurlijk om te improviseren. Ze staan open voor bewegingsprocessen, oefeningen en scenario’s. Ze zijn op zoek naar hun eigen bewegingstaal. Ze hebben niet één ideologie of bepaalde stapjes nodig. Ze denken en zijn nieuwsgierig. Ze beschouwen workshops als een ontmoeting tussen hun geïnformeerde dansende lichamen en het werk: workshops is het delen van kennis.
My work navigates the tension between dance and theatre, thought and action, remembering and forgetting. Scripts are written on our bodies: they contain unfinished histories of ourselves and others. - Meg Stuart
In this workshop, improvisation will be used as a strategy to explore body memory and physical and emotional states. We will investigate the borders between knowing and not knowing, abstraction and intention, image and action. Extending our understanding of movement vocabulary and possibilities, we will travel through energetic worlds, memory spaces and emotional landscapes. We will explore charged single actions to create collective kinetic sculptures. Moving fictions combined with physical work will be shaped into scenarios that transform and shift as we interact with others. In the various improvised scores, we will search for moments of intimacy, transgression and risk. Meg will be joined each afternoon by sound artist and composer Kaffe Matthews.
Moving the archive
“A memory is a lonely, complicated and fleeting place. To revisit it, is to change it, even if preservation is every memory’s purpose.” - Tine Van Aerschot in Are we here yet?
Extracting from the research from her solo Hunter (2014), Meg Stuart’s workshop invites us to investigate our own personal archive of movement in the broadest sense. This can include personal memories from daily life, dances you might have learned, movements and gestures you hardly notice, or fictional selves and experiences as well as cultural and external influences. Extending our understanding of remembrance and its possibilities, we will travel through our memory spaces and emotional landscapes and move between the borders of knowing and not knowing, of remembering and forgetting. Where is the physical memory located in our body? How do we move from a memory and still be present in the here and now? How to articulate trauma and dead zones? As we improvise together, our personal archive evolves and is reshaped into a transpersonal and collective experience, articulating unfinished histories of ourselves and others.
The workshop took place in ROSET, Arnhem, as part of the Festival 'The Great Memory Show' by ArtEZ Studium Generale.
Arkadi Zaides/Moves Without Borders in samenwerking met het Goethe-Instituut Israël en met de steun van de Duitse Dienst Buitenlandse Zaken in het kader van Berlin Dayz.
Samen met het Departement Kunst en Cultuur van de stad München organiseerde JOINT ADVENTURES sinds 1991 elk jaar TANZWERKSTATT EUROPA – workshops hedendaagse dans. In augustus 2013 gaf Meg Stuart de workshop Borderbodies.
In deze workshop zal improvisatie gebruikt worden als een strategie om het geheugen van het lichaam en zijn fysieke en emotionele toestanden onder de loep te nemen. We verkennen de grens tussen weten en niet weten, abstractie en intentie, beeld en actie. Ons spelbegrip met de anderen en onszelf wordt verruimd. We bewegen door energetische werelden, door ruimtes van het geheugen en emotionele landschappen. Bewegende fictionele werelden zullen vorm krijgen in fysieke scenario’s die door de interactie met de anderen transformeren. Reizend doorheen geïmproviseerde scripts zullen we zoeken naar momenten van intimiteit, conflict en risico. (Meg Stuart)
Tijdens de eerste week van het Ponderosa’s Witchcamp 2012 vinden workshops en voorstellingen plaats van Meg Stuart in samenwerking met Stephanie Maher, Lexa Rosean en hun uitgenodigde gasten.
Witchcamp is een tweeweekse onderzoeksbijeenkomst met intensieve workshops, rituelen en performances voor improvisatoren, performers en artiesten die de gemeenschappelijke interesse koesteren voor alchemie, rituele ruimte, energetische transgressie, de magie van het moment van de performance en heidense beginsels. Voor meer informatie en inschrijving, gelieve de website van Ponderosa te raadplegen.
Vanaf 11 juni tot en met 15 juni 2012 leidt Meg Stuart een workshop in de PONDEROSA’s Summerschool 2012 in het kader van het P.O.R.C.H. / Alternative Conservatory (A.C.) programma. De trainingsmodule is gecreëerd en wordt geleid in samenwerking met Stephanie Maher (Ponderosa) en Kathleen Hermesdorf (La Alternativa). Samen bundelen ze de krachten gedurende een intensieve maand. De focus ligt op het lichaam en hedendaagse bewegingsvormen. Zowel het individuele samenleven met anderen en in de natuur wordt belicht. Mededocenten zijn Stephanie Maher, Kathleen Hermesdorf, Peter Pleyer, Maria F. Scaroni, Hanna Hegenscheidt. Voor meer informatie en inschrijving, gelieve de website van Ponderosa te raadplegen.
Meg Stuart werd naast onder anderen Felipa Martorell, Nelson Guerreiro en Teresa Silva uitgenodigd door het Forum Dança (Lissabon) om les te geven in het kader van het PEPCC programma. Dit laatste is een intensieve en geavanceerde cursus in internationale hedendaagse dans. Het programma legt onder meer de nadruk op hedendaagse dans techniek, yoga, chi kung, improvisatie, compositie en creatie.
workshop op het eXplore dance festival
Nationaal Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst (MNAC), Boekarest, Roemenië
“My work navigates the tension between dance and theatre, thought and action, remembering and forgetting. Scripts are written on our bodies: they contain unfinished histories of ourselves and others.” (Meg Stuart)
In deze workshop wordt Meg Stuart bijgestaan door muzikant. Improvisatie wordt gebruikt als een strategie om het geheugen van het lichaam en de fysieke en emotionele toestanden te verkennen. De ontdekte toegangspoorten en beelden worden bediscussieerd en omgezet in choreografische ideeën.